Evan Song
Evan Song
Evan Song
Evan Song
YTD Rank: ${ytdRank} Career High Rank (${careerDate}): ${careerRank}
  • Personal
    • Born and raised in Las Vegas.
    • Began playing tennis at 10. Basketball was first sport.
    • Nicknames are “E”, “E Song” and “Songer”.
    • Brothers: James and Colin. Sisters: Emily and Olivia. Parents: Jim andAdi.
    • Personal interests: Family & friends, basketball, football, golf, music, entrepreneurship, readingand movies.
    • Favourite sports teams: Green Bay Packers (NFL), Vegas Golden Knights (NHL).
    • Favourite tennis player: Andre Agassi.
    • Has played professional tennis in over 30 countries and in over 100 cities.
    • Favourite tennis cities: Indian Wells and Mallorca.


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