Royce Deppe
Royce Deppe
Royce Deppe
Royce Deppe
YTD Rank: ${ytdRank} Career High Rank (${careerDate}): ${careerRank}
  • Personal
  • Residence: Durban, South Africa Doubles title: 1992--(1) Newport(w/Rikl)
    Year-by-Year Highlights: Fourth in singles, doubles winner at S. African Sat.
    1989- Quarterfinalist at Johannesburg-2 Ch., Thessaloniki Ch.; Doubles Winner
    at Durban Ch. (w/Talbot); Doubles Quarterfinalist at Boston (w/Arias).
    1988- Runner-up at Durban Ch. (l. Muller); Doubles Winner at USTA Sat. #4 (w/
    24 ATP pts. w/C.D. Miller); Fourth at USTA Sat. #5 (w/20 ATP pts.); Doubles
    Runner-up at Capetown Ch. (w/Kures).
    Played at the University of Texas from 1984-87 and a two-time All-
    America in 1986-87 in doubles. He finished the '87 season ranked No. 41 in
    singles and No. 3 in doubles (w/Beckman) in the country.


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